AÜRT Restaurant | Aürt
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I grew up in a friendly, traditional restaurant environment

Artur Martínez’s family ran El Buen Gusto, a simple bar founded by his grandparents in 1952, in a neighbourhood on the outskirts of Terrassa (Barcelona). In the early 1970s, his parents took over the business and supplemented the daily menu, simple tapas and sandwiches, with a roast chicken shop and takeaway meals. He grew up in a friendly, traditional restaurant environment. After studying cooking and working as a teacher and executive chef (he never worked professionally in any gourmet restaurant), in 2002 he and his family decided to transform the old bar into a small gastro restaurant called Capritx.

Little goes a long way if you see the limit as a challenge

Capritx was an exceptional case. For years, the smallest Michelin star in Europe. And without a doubt, the most deprived. The limited resources conditioned the technical possibilities, but sharpened his ingenuity. Artur not only overcame the resource constraints, but made a style out of them. With a tiny, bare-bones kitchen, he explored and achieved a recognised culinary uniqueness. Pioneers in the commitment to the Vallès region, to minimal intervention wines or to a minimal team structure, among others, in August 2017 and at its height, they decided to end the Capritx stage. Without development there is decadence, and their particular history deserved a change of hat and to deepen their own discourse beyond limits. In February 2019, Aürt was born in Barcelona.